KBR Long Ears Gallery

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"Longears" Close-Up

"Bo Jack"

Bo Jack

Dawn writes:

"Bo Jack is the handsome one with red points. He also came from the Fallon area and was four when I adopted him and Diddley in 1995. He is very "muleish" and goes by his own code of conduct. He is also very smart and almost "horselike" which means he doesn't act like any other burro I've ever come into contact with. He is also broke to ride and drive and has just in the last year has finally become "boomproof."

Bo Jack & Bo Diddly

Vital Statistics

Foaled: 1991 / Jack
Herd: Near Fallon, Nevada
Present Owner: Dawn Rystrom
Present Location: Arkansas
Email Dawn: blrystrom@aol.com

Check out Jack's buddy Bo Diddly

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