Mustang Close-Up


Lesley writes:

"Hoodoo was captured on 10-6-98. He is still a stallion. I am able to saddle him, lead him all over, pick up all feet. He gets turned out with Slick and Bob in the arena (no outside pature yet).

"He is really getting to be a pal. Looks forward to me coming, approaching the fence to get petted before feeding. His funniest quirk is that he will not take anything from my hands, i.e. hay, nice green grass, etc. To me it appears that he thinks that is "biting" and that he shouldn't do that to me. I have yet to have him bite at me at all, but when I think he might I just move away or push his nose around. So maybe he feels I am the lead "guy" and is very respectful of that!

"He is really a brave horse. Not pushy or obnnoxious, but just brave. He may be scared to death but he'll try it and in just seconds everything is cool. No major flight, although he does a lot of snorts."

It will be fun to follow Lesley's and Hoodoo's progress!

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Vital Statistics

Foaled: 1996 / Stallion
Herd: Twin Peaks HMA, near Ravendale, CA
Present Owner: Lesley Neuman
Present Location: Calif.
Email Lesley:

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