KBR Horse Net
Horse Links (Part Two of two)
Here are some equestrian related links
we think you might like!
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Universities / Educational / Clinicians
(Including Information & Training Sites)
Australian Correspondence School
- A source of accredited agriculture and horse care courses by distance education.
Buck Brannaman
- We particularly like Buck's explanations, demonstrations and videos as practical and easy to understand.
Bright Ranch
- Dennis Bright's multi-faceted training, riding and horsemanship facility
and purveyor of saddles and other equestrian equipment
Colour Genetics in Horses
- R. Kirsch's very well produced site which describes horse colors and color genetics
Danny Love's Farriers' Corner
- A visual exploration into modern farriery and foot rehab
Ellen O's Horse Training
- A comprehensive natural horsemanship and training site; worth visiting
Frank Bell's Home Page
- Check out Frank's unique style of gentling, training and developing even the most difficult horses
The Farrier and Hoofcare Resource Center Home Page
- Farriery publications, tips, humor, supplies, etc.
GaWaNi Pony Boy
- Successful Native American approaches to natural horsemanship
Horse Color Resource
- Lots of info on color genetics and what you will likely get from various colored parents
Horse Riding Lesson
- Expert advice on educational and horse care topics.
Horse Source - Penzance Equine Services
- Horse care and management information, graphic designs, information sources
The Horse Whisperer
- A new South African natural horse website featuring Malan du Toit
The Horseman's Listserver FAQ
- An extensive listing of "Natural Horsemanship" clinicians, texts, videos, clinic contacts, etc.
Horses in your Mailbox
- Mailorder books, videos, videos, and more videos; every horse subject you can imagine
Of One Mind - Talking Horses
- Non-threatening training and riding approaches by Gincy Bucklin
The International Museum of the Horse
- An internet link to the Kentucky Horse Parks's famous "museum"
Jessica Jahiel's Horse Page
- Interesting and practical training and riding resources presented by Jessica Jahiel, PhD
Kansas State University School of Veterinary Medicine
- A source for a variety of veterinary topics and links, including an on-line vet medicine library
Lucky Three Ranch
- Want to learn more about mules? Check out these breeders and trainers.
Mark Atwood
- Retired director of the US Army's Mounted Color Guard and natural horseman
Parelli Natural Horsemanship
- Pat Parelli's home website; clinic schedule, videos and training materials
Premier Publishing EQUINE
- Equestrian books, on-line data bases, QH & paint stallion directories and more
Rockin S Horse Ranch
- Paint and QH breeding, training and BLM wild horse starting
Springhill Farm
- Specializing in dressage, they post new training articles every month
- A comprehensive information resource page for kids. The sites listed have all been reviewed
for propriety, usefulness and interest to youngsters
Think Like a Horse
- Rick Gore's very extensive horsemanship site, with lots of explanations and tips.
Timeless Horsemanship
- Ima Mary Denns' horsmanship site.
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
- This link speaks for itself. Log in to one of the best vet schools on the West Coast.
USDA's Cooperative State Research Education & Extension Service Home Page
- The home page for the US Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative Extension Program
Sporting / Rescue / Interest Groups
- "Where equestrian friends and singles feel at home."
- "Uniting horse enthusiasts around the world."
Christian Horseman's Association
- Horse activities, events, interests and rescue within a larger circle of Christian fellowship
Rockingham Riding Club
- An all breed riding and driving club in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and southern Maine
Global Bloodstock Network
- Australia's Race Horse Site
Arabian Horse Rescue Network
- So. California rescue org. that rescues Arabians from killer sale feed lots.
Double D Equine Rescue
- A relatively new organization out of Pennsylvania.
Equine Rescue League
- A really first class regional rescue league shows us "how it's done".
Equine Rescue Internet Canada
- A relatively new Canadian site; a clearinghouse for horse rescue and adoption information
Equine Rescue Net
- A collection of web pages devoted to equine rescue as well as horse health
Equine Transitional Training Alliance
- A not-for-profit group which rehabs and retrains rescues to get new homes
Felton Fire District Large Animal Rescue Team (CA)
- This great group shares how a large animal rescue team is formed and operated
LifeSavers, Inc.
- Wild horse and burro rescue and rehabilitation
Least Resistance Training Concepts
- LRTC's Technical Large Animal Rescue Team site.
Lone Star Equine Rescue
- A new website for Texas' equine rescue organization.
Mylestone Equine Rescue
- A New Jersey based rescue organization for all types of horses
- An adoption site for "recycled" race horses
Rocky Mountain Horse Rescue
- Recovery and placement for horses in southern Colorado
Safe Horse
- A privately funded / operated haven for neglected & abused horses (provided by High Cross Trinity, Inc.)
Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK)
- An animal rights / issues / welfare organization in Illinois
Turtle Rock Rescue
- Rehabilitation and placement of abused and abandoned domestics and mustangs
United Pegasus Foundation
- Rehabilitation and placement of abused and ex-race horses
Virginia Range Wildlife Protection Association
- A very proactive and sensible organization protecting wild horses and burros in western Nevada
Wild Burro Rescue
- The privately funded wild burro rescue project in Death Valley
Wild Horse Sanctuary (California)
- A privately run natural preserve for otherwise "unadoptable" wild horses
(An alternative to the meat packers)
Wild Horse Sanctuary (South Dakota)
- The Institute of Range and American Mustangs' South Dakota project
Bent Jensen's Dressage Site
- The official site of this noted dressage Olympian
Equine Heroes
- Equine stories, clip art, games, rescue information
ERNet's "The Library"
- An extensive list of suggested books for the dedicated horseman
History of Horse Racing
- The evolution of horse racing presented by Alan's Factory Outlet
Kentucky Horse Park
- The most comprehensive learning and showing facility in the world!
Equine Health, Safety & Hoof Care
- A site devoted to the care of blind horses presented by Rolling Dog Ranch.
Danny Love's Farriers' Corner
- A visual exploration into modern farriery and foot rehab (under construction)
The Farrier and Hoofcare Resource Center Home Page
- Farriery publications, tips, humor, supplies, etc.
Hoofworks Australia
- "Natural Hoofmanship," modern barefoot techniques and other innovations from "Down Under."
The Horseman's Advisor
- A wide assortment of articles and references compiled by Animal House
HORSENET: A multi-faceted horse web site
- A site with a great article section with lots of topics and useful information.
International Association of Equine Practitioners
- A diverse and interesting collection of equine health and related subjects
Toxic Plants
- Cornell University's listing and photos of plants toxic to horses
Treating Founder Without Horseshoes
- Case studies of corrective trimming for chronic laminitis
(Note: These are similar to successful efforts we have had at the ranch.)
Ultimate Guide to Stall Guards
- Stall safety ideas for around the barn and when showing or competing
"Odds 'n Ends;" Equine Art, Services and Misc. Sites of Interest
All Time Equestrian
- On-line catalog of all types of equetrian / horse products (UK.)
Bob's Gallery
- Original equine, western and fantasy art.
Chief David Bald Eagle Campground
- Fabulous South Dakota camping on an old ranch full of Sioux Indian lore.
Diamond-L Duds
- Horse blanket and leather services including cleaning, and repair (among other things) in New England
Equine Employment On-Line
- A links site dedicated to jobs related to horses and the horse industry
Equine Designs
- Image editing, web design and lots of horse related information
Equine Portraits by Jenn
- Great portraits from photos, plus a gallery of really cool portraits to view on her website
Field Galleries
- British equine art in many formats featuring artist Sue Wingate and photographer Terence Donovan
Forest Ranch Equestrian Center
- An internet-based, worldwide equestrian location service for horses and equestrian things
- A huge collection of historic, current and "natural" horse images
Huggable Horses
- Really cool hand made stuffed horses that look like your horse
Judge Manning Horse Transportation
- Fully insured and professional US and Canadian horse movers
Lone Star Horses
- A greater Texas regional resource guide for everything "horsey"
Natural Horse Handling Rope Halters
- Rope halters, side pulls and other training accessories by Pat Fredrickson
Proffitt's Classified Horse Ads
- Horse and horse related ads of all types
Rocky Mtn. Survival Group
- All sorts of survival and safety sections, including an equestrian section
Royal Oak Carriages
- Custom wood carriages, buggies, wagons, carts & more
- Orthopedic and competetion pads for all types of saddles
Spirit of Horse
- An interesting horse related art and activities site
Steed Limited Equestrian Gift Catalog
- Distinctive gifts; jewelry, soft goods, horse stuff, kids stuff, etc.
Virtual Horse Graphics
- Horsey images and free clip art!
Whimsy Hill Studios
- Original equine art and statuary by Lynda Sappington
- Life, nature spirituality from the perspective of Native Americans
Personal Horse Related Home Pages
Robert & Marie's Home & Equine Page
- Links, information, the "Horse tip of the Month," etc.
Larente's Home Page
- Linda Laurente (known to many as "Vicky's Mom") has put together a number of interesting features in this site
Trail & Recreational Area Organizations
Foothills Equestrian Trails Assn. (FETA)
- 100 miles of historic preserved trails in Polk County, NC.
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