Willis Lamm's
Traffic Signal Collection

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  Darley Simplex D-480 Sequence

Darleys between the late 1920s and through WW-II had a somewhat unique signal sequence. The factory sequence was green, then one second of yellow over green, then one second of yellow only, then one second of red over yellow, then red. The yellow indication also appeared when the light returned to green from red. (Some jurisdictions required drivers to put their stickshifts in neutral while waiting at a red light and the yellow light before the light turned green was basically an indication to "get it in gear." The Darley stairstepped to green the same way as it went from green to red, but naturally in reverse order.

Here are photos of the sequence.

Normal green display.
One second of yellow by itself.
Normal red display.
One second of yellow by itself.
Yellow overlaps green for one second.
Red overlaps yellow for one second.
Changing back - Yellow overlaps red.
Green overlaps yellow for one second.

Back to green.

The sequencer for this light was custom made by Joe Peppard of Joez Garage. It is a very cool sequencer that fits nicely into the signal and displays the old timey Darley sequences perfectly.

View a video of the display sequence

View the programming of the sequencer

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